Ice Cream Toppings to Spice Up Your Mochi
New Ice Cream Options to Make Your Mochi Ice Cream Even More Flavorful
So maybe you’ve tried eating your mochi ice cream sliced into tapas, whirled up into a milkshake, or even in one swift bite. But have you thought of all of the delicious ice cream toppings that you could be adding to give your mochi an extra kick? Here are all our favorite scrumptious topping options to make your mochi even more satisfying. Make it memorable. Make it mochi!
Dash a Smattering of Sprinkles Across Your Mochi
Everyone loves sprinkles, and everyone loves mochi ice cream, so why not combine the two? We did, and it was a hit! Grab a jar of rainbow sprinkles to make a unique and colorful mochi creation. This is a great kid friendly topping as well, and an excellent addition to the snack table at your next party.
Drizzle Caramel Sauce on Your Mochi Ice Cream
Warm up some caramel sauce and let it drizzle across your mochi. We promise you won’t be disappointed. A chocolate mochi and a hint of caramel is the ideal after-dinner dessert on a rainy day. Get cozy and add that caramel to your ice cream!
Savor Your Mochi Ice Cream with Chocolate Syrup
Hot or cold, chocolate syrup is the go-to topping for chocolate lovers. Chances are, you already have this yummy goodie stocked in your pantry. It’s a traditional topping, but added to your mochi it will be a fun new treat to try!
Top Your Mochi with a Luscious Maraschino Cherry
How delightful! Maraschino cherries can provide the perfect complement to your mochi ice cream. Combine strawberry mochi with a sweet Maraschino cherry and your sweet tooth won’t be disappointed. You’ll feel like you’re indulging in an ice cream sundae with this fun and fruity topping.
Dress Up Your Ice Cream with Lemon Curd
Satisfy a craving for all things tart with a sprinkling of lemon curd across your mochi ice cream! With spring coming up right around the corner, we are loving flavorful, fruity tastes, and a little bit of lemon is the perfect accent to create a delicious mochi snack.
Lemon curd is low calorie and can be homemade or store bought. Next time you’re in the mood for ice cream, get the perfect sweet pucker you crave with a hint of lemon. If you’re feeling like something sweet and tangy, this topping will be the perfect kick to your day.
Pour a Touch of Honey Across Your Mochi Ice Cream
Our green tea mochi ice cream combined with a touch of honey will be your newest obsession.
Don’t miss out on this ambrosial flavor blend.
We’re sure you’re running to the grocery store to load up your cart with all the latest ice cream toppings. Try our suggestions and add your own flavor combinations to create a magical dessert to share with friends and family. Do you have a favorite topping for your ice cream? Comment below and let us know!