Happy World Vegan Day!
Every year on November 1st, the world celebrates all things plant-based! Vegan or not, here’s how anyone can celebrate World Vegan Day…
- Volunteer at a local farm or garden or animal sanctuary.
Who doesn’t love planet earth and animals? World Vegan Day is a chance to spend quality time with both. If you don’t have time, you can also make a donation to a vegan charity.
- Get social and host a vegan potluck.
There are so many nutritious vegan meals that will high-five your taste buds and your health. Plus, it’ll give you a chance to spend time with friends and experiment with some new recipes! There are tons of vegan recipes just a click or two away (thanks, internet) – here’s a good place to start.
- Eat!
Why not choose consciously and say no to meat, dairy and eggs today? Raising animals for food requires massive amounts of food, energy, land, and water. Make a swap today and consider how you can incorporate more plant-based eating into your diet.
Grab some locally grown vegan My/Mo fresh off the freezer aisle! My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream offers four fabulous flavors of non-dairy and vegan cashew-based frozen desserts. Why cashew cream, you ask? Because it has silky smooth and luscious, – add creamy texture. And let’s not forget those pillowy balls of creamy mochi dough hallelujah that you love so dearly.
Included in this non-dairy and vegan line of My/Mo Mochi Cashew Cream Frozen Dessert are:
- Strawberry
- Chocolate
- Vanilla
- Salted Caramel
The best part? This insanely delicious lovechild of vegan ice cream wrapped in sweet, pillowy rice dough is only 90-100 calories per serving and completely gluten-free. Permission to pinch yourself.
How are you celebrating #WorldVeganDay? Be sure to share on social with your friends here at My/Mo @mymomochiicecream!
Oh, and just because — here’s $1 Off your next My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream purchase. Sweeeet!