Happy Chew Year!
Happy Chew Year, snackers! Hard to believe it’s 2020, right? It seems like the natural time to make grandiose resolutions to #dobigthings and press the universal reset button. Here at My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream, we’re all about being mindful of certain things that result in everyday wins. Here are some snackable ways that can help you tackle the new year! Let’s break it down bite size.
Bring Play to Your World
Just because you’re a year older doesn’t mean you need to be so serious all the time; adulting can wait! No matter how busy or stressful a day can get, be sure to bring play to your world – whether you’re at work, at home or eating your snacks. Play brings out creativity and happiness! So in the same way we at My/Mo play with mochi balls — go ahead and find time every day to #playwithit.
Book the Ticket
It’s a new year and a fresh slate – so it’s the chance to travel more than the aisles at the grocery store. As culture cravers who live for mouthwatering moments, we at My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream dare you to book the ticket. That dreamy destination you’ve only seen photos of can become a reality if you let it. Endless opportunities await you – so journey to the center of Mmmm and have a ball!
Because, Whatever
There’s the common phrase: “New year, new me.” But why not embrace the current you, weirdness and all? We’re all about owning our quirks – heck, we’re a snack – mochi balls consisting of pillowy dough and ice cream. Celebrate your uniqueness and embrace your quirkiness. So go ahead and be unapologetically you… because, whatever.
What are your goals for 2020? We’d love to hear ‘em! Share the love with us on social @mymomochiicecream. Sweeeet!