4 Top Myths About Ice Cream Debunked
4 Myths Ice Cream Companies Want You to Know About DIY Ice Cream
Have you tried to make your own ice cream? You understand that it takes a series of trial and error to find the perfect recipe and methods to create a perfectly creamy ice cream to rival your favorite ice cream company.
Before you start, you scour every corner of the Internet to find a new method or set of ingredients to try out. There are so many different ingredients and facts that you end up asking yourself, “Which of these are actually real?”
Below we have debunked the top myths about creating your favorite frozen treat at home. Take a look below before you set out on your next DIY ice cream journey.
1. You Must Heat or Scald Milk
When you create your own ice cream at home, many recipes call for scalding, or simply heating up the milk. This is usually done before adding it to a mixture of egg yolks and sugar—but why is this done?
There is no real benefit to scalding your milk. Many say that this is done to pasteurize the milk, but most milk sold is already pasteurized, making this a redundant step.
If you are not planning to steep any flavor into your diary, this step can be skipped and you can mix your eggs, sugar, and milk all in one pot. This not only makes the process faster, but also allows for a faster clean up.
2. The Only Way to Make Ice Cream is With Dairy and Eggs
This couldn’t be further from the truth. There are nearly endless ways to create your favorite frozen treat. As mentioned in a previous blog, there are many ways to create your own DIY ice cream that rivals even the best ice cream companies.
This can be accomplished with items as simple as frozen fruit! This allows just about everyone, even our Gluten-free or vegan friends to be able to enjoy ice cream, made their own way.
3. Ice Cream Contains Dairy Fats
Many frozen desserts can contain dairy fats, but they do not need to. Ice cream can be crafted with a healthier type of oil. Many ice cream companies opt for using vegetable fats and oils, rather than those from dairy. This makes for ice cream that contains less harmful fats, and is practically free of cholesterol.
Many people also believe that by using vegetable fats, the integrity and quality of the ice cream will suffer. This is not the case. There are hundreds of quality frozen treats that are made with vegetable oil/fasts that closely mimic the taste of traditional dairy ice creams.
4. Ice Cream Has No Nutritional Value
This myth is one that many ice cream companies are dying for you to hear. Although ice cream is not as healthy as a serving of fresh vegetables, it does contain some nutritional value.
Just a half of a scoop of ice cream contains about 10% of your daily value for calcium and phosphorous. Unlike other sweet treats, ice cream is often contains less sugar than many major candy bars and sour treats. This makes ice cream one of the best dessert options, as it is not only delicious, but also nutritious.